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We, the entity identified on this site by name and contact information published in the header of this site, (the “Company”), publish this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) to inform visitors and customers of our practices concerning the collection, use, and protection of information that you provide to us through interactions with this website and with those of our affiliate. This Policy applies to all visitors to the website as well as all customers and potential customers of our travel services.


**1. User**


For purposes of this Policy, “User” means any person:

1. accessing the Company’s website,

2. using the services available through the Company’s website, or

3. contacting the Company via the website’s contact form.


**2. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)**


In the course of using the Services, Users may be required to provide certain personally identifiable information to the Company, including such Users’ first and last names, mailing addresses (including zip codes), e-mail addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers, and other personally identifiable information. The Company may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future. Depending upon the particular Service, some of the information the Company asks Users to provide is identified as mandatory and some as voluntary. If a User does not provide the mandatory information with respect to a particular Service, that User will not be able to use or access that Service. However, no personally identifiable information will be collected about a User until and unless a User provides such information in order to access a Service.


**3. Non-Personally Identifiable Information**


In the course of providing the Services, the Company may gather certain information that does not specifically identify a specific User. This information may include Uniform Resource Locators (“URLs”) used by Users to access the Services, the browser used by User to access the Services (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.), a User’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and a User’s Machine Access Control (“MAC”) address. This information may be compiled and analyzed on both a personal and an aggregated basis and is used for the operation of the Services and to maintain the quality of the Services.


**4. Use of Information**


We will use the Information to provide the Services to you, including, as needed, sharing your information with third parties as provided in Section 4 below. We may also use your information to:

1. ensure that our records are accurate;

2. send out information on additional travel or services you may be interested in on behalf of the Company and;

3. Our Travel and Business Partners.


**5. Sharing of Information**


Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, the Company will not disclose, sell, trade, or lease a User’s personally identifiable information to other parties.


**5.1 Outside Agents**


Many of our services are provided by Outside Agents, and your personal information will be protected by and subject to Outside Agents’ privacy policy.


**5.2 Travel Search Engine**


The travel search engine is powered by Odysseus Solutions Inc. When using the travel search engine, your personal information is protected by and subject to Odysseus Solutions privacy policy and data protection protocols, incorporated herein by reference.


**5.3 Client Relationship and Accounting Data**


We, the Company, will maintain certain PII as described below to service bookings, communicate with you, and to manage accounting related information.


**5.4 Other Third-Party Providers**


Many of the Services involve delivering personally identifiable information to other third-party providers.


**5.5. Government Authorities**


The Company may be required by law to provide personally identifiable information to governmental authorities in certain circumstances.


**5.6. Direct Marketing**


The Company does not disclose User’s personally identifiable information to third parties for direct marketing purposes.


**6. Security and Protection of Information**


**6.1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)**


The Company shall store personally identifiable information in accordance with current industry security standards in order to protect it from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.


**6.2. Transmission of Personally Identifiable Information**


When personally identifiable information is transmitted to other parties, such as Outside Agents, Revelex, Odysseus Solutions Inc.,, government authorities, credit card providers, or any other authorized third parties, the Company will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized parties from viewing such information.


**6.3. Access and User Changes to Information**


User may access and update User’s information at any time by contacting the Company.


**6.4. No Warranties**


No data transmission over the Internet or other wireless communication method can be guaranteed to be totally secure.


**7. Use of Cookies**


The Services use “cookies” to ensure that Users can use the websites effectively.


**8. General Data Protection Regulation**


We do not offer Services to residents of the European Union.


**9. Changes to Policy**


The Company shall, from time to time, update this Privacy Policy in order to better protect User data.


**10. California Law**


The following provisions apply only to Users residing or domiciled in the State of California.


**10.1 Sale of Personally Identifiable Information**


Under Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80, a User residing in the State of California has the right to request from the Company a list of all third parties to which the Company has disclosed personally identifiable information during the preceding year for direct marketing purposes.


**10.2 Do Not Track Signals**


In order to help us personalize your experience on our website, the Company does not act on Do Not Track signals from a User’s Internet browser.


**11. Indemnification**


The Company uses this website through its relationship with The Company is solely responsible for this website's content, data, security, and compliance with all applicable law. Specifically, the Company indemnifies for any failures, breaches, or other problems arising from the Company’s use of this site or other services provided by and its partners.

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